Her lengthy rant was uploaded on Facebook for everyone to see and it quickly circulated online, drawing the attention of many netizens especially the supporters of mayor Duterte.
She stated that Duterte will not be able to deliver the claims of getting rid of the country with its problems within 3 to 6 months, and because of this many people felt angry and furious for her bold statements.
The video lasted for about 3 minutes, with Mystica stating most of her own ideas and held opinions about Duterte that raised heavy debate and controversy online. Her bombardment and onslaught led many netizens to blast her online with much criticism and disapproval. The video has been shared thousands of times, gathering many views and reactions from the world of social media, spawning different opinions and ideas about her lengthy rant.
Many disagreed with her claims and expressed great frustration for her dauntless attacks against Duterte. Make sure to check out the video right down below and see it for yourself! What are your thoughts on Mystica's lengthy rant against Mayor Rodrigo Duterte? Do you approve of her statements or do you disagree? Let us know by dropping your comments below!