READ: 12 Signs And Symbols That Appear In Your Dreams Have A Hidden Meaning!

Nothing beats a good night's sleep paired with deep, restful dreams. People believe that dreaming is a gateway to another dimension which enables us to see and view a different light in our lives.

But did you know that some of the signs and symbols that appear in your dreams mean something? So many things appear in our dreams and it seems that they contain hidden messages as believed by many experts.

To further understand your dreams and what it means, here are some of the meanings of 12 certain things that show up when you're sound asleep in your bed!

1. Boxes
Secrecy, mystery and disappointment

An interesting sign, if you dream of a box, your subconsciousness is trying to reveal something. Dreaming of opening a box means you are willing to share your secrets to others, while  dreaming of an empty box means you are experiencing disappointments in your life.

2. Falling
Loss of control, risk and worry

Have you ever felt like you were falling in your dreams? This could likely mean you are losing control of some aspects in your life or having a strong fear of failure. Taking up yoga can help ease your mind and free you of the fears that are holding you back.
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