Creepy Face of the Devil Showed Up in Mobille Application Face Swap

Snapchat has become a popular application for people who love to take photos. This app has drawn major buzz in many circles, and one of the reasons why people are into using Snapchat is because of the exciting and funny face swap feature wherein two different faces are swapped with one another to create a humorous and truly laughable photo.

Many have already tried using this unique feature and have produced amusing and comical results. It's one of the hottest trends right now, and because of that people are getting their hands on face swapping to try out the funny feature. Swapping faces with either your friend, a stuffed toy or a creepy devils seems fun doesn't it? Wait, what? A creepy devil? You read it right.

Image credit: Facebook

This woman decided to try out the new face swap feature with a cute little teddy bear. Instead of producing a hilarious result, in the end it left her and many people terrified. When Snapchat goes bad, as they say. Her face was swapped with a creepy devil's face as seen from the photo. It appears that the creepy face was hiding in the dark just above the teddy bear, and when the face swap was activated, it swapped faces with the woman. Creepy. Some people believe that the photo was just edited for fun, but we'll let you be the judge yourself. What do you think of the viral Snapchat photo? Don't forget to share the post and give us your thoughts by leaving your comments down below!