Causes of Smelly Vaginal Discharge and How to Treat it Properly!

For most women, having a smelly vaginal discharge is something to be considered normal. But when a sudden change in the smell is noticeable, then it is important to identify what's causing this sudden change so proper medical help can be administered.

Causes of a smelly vaginal discharge:
Under normal conditions, a healthy woman's vagina; discharge has an odorless smell. If there is a strong odor lingering when a woman discharges, it can be a sign that something is a bit off. Here are some of the possible causes:

A sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea infection causes a yellowish-green discharge while causing pain on the lower abdomen during intercourse. If left untreated, the infection could spread to the ovaries which will affect your fertility.

Yeast infection
Most women will experience having a yeast infection. This will cause a thick, white-colored vaginal discharge which is caused by an overgrowth of the natural yeast found in a woman's vagina.

An infection that is caused by parasitic trichomonads, this is characterized by a yellow-green, offensive smelling discharge while also causing the area to become itchy and sore.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Caused by anaerobic bacteria, this produces a fishy, smelly discharge especially after the vagina is exposed to pH-raising fluids such as menstrual fluid and semen.

Cancer or inflammation
Smelly vaginal discharge could also indicate cervical cancer or pelvic inflammatory disease under rare conditions.
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