Man Requested a Massage for $300, But What Happened Cost Him More Than $35,000! Find Out!

At first it was only a requested massage for $300, but in the end the cost was way more expensive than that. Kenneth Herold, 66, met Christine Lafave, 25 at a hotel bar. After an exchange of conversations, Kenneth agreed to have a "private massage" offered by Christine. Little did he know that the woman had vile intentions. After giving him a massage in his room at the Wynn Las Vegas Hotel, it was believed that his Rolex watch was stolen by the woman which costs about roughly $35,000. The case has surfaced after the woman's attorney, Chris Rasmussen, believes that the watch was discovered in an illegal search-and-seize operation.

Reports have indicated that the two went to Harold's hotel room and agreed to offer a massage for $300. Herold agreed to take the offer, and the woman gave him a massage. At one point, the woman asked him to remove his watch so that she could massage his hands and arms. After removing his watch, Herold noticed that it went missing after leaving his sights for about a moment. He then called hotel security and immediately, the suspect was Christine since she was the only one with Herold inside the room. She was then taken into custody by security officials and underwent investigation. Watch the full report about the whole incident right down below and see for yourself!


Herold's hotel room was searched by security officials of Wynn Hotel, but the watch could not be found. According to the arrest report, x-ray results revealed that Christine hid the watch inside her vagina and admitted it to police officials. What do you think of the whole incident? Don't forget to share the post and give us feedback by dropping your comments right down below!